Greetings! Who’s ready to party? Let me help!

But first let me tell you a little about myself! I am Ashley Peterson – Co-Owner, Designer and Coordinator of Revel Events & Designs.

Born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and raised in surrounding areas, I am a full-time mom to three amazing little ones who always keep me on my toes! I love the outdoors, coffee and all things DIY.

My family and friends have always been a huge inspiration over the years. At a young age I watched the effort my grandparents and mom would put into making the holidays so festive, and would dream of how I could make it more creative. As a young adult I started throwing small gatherings along with my friends, countless hours were spent researching blogs and party décor, ensuring every detail was perfect! After becoming a mom throwing baby showers and birthday parties became an obsession, each party had to top the last! For me elaborate ideas quickly become reality, when planning parties and party planning itself has become a passion! So, lets make your dream party a reality!